A girl’s night out for your average bachelorette, more often than not referred to as a hen’s party in reference to – you guessed it – the clucking of the female chickens around the coop. Ideas for your own hen night litter the
No matter what kind of party you are planning you can find supplies online. With the advent of the internet, most people find it much more convenient to shop for party supplies online rather than going to a traditional brick and mortar retail store.
Well, we all know the old saying: “Birds of a feather flock together.” Nothing can be more true when it comes to hens and their parties. Hens love to gather to chirp and chatter. Bucks, also known as male deer, also love to gather together
Winter has definitely hit Australia and with an increase in Winter Weddings it means Hens parties will also be held in the winter months. Does this mean you have to change your original plans to accommodate for the cold and chills produced by our winter